Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Emperor, 

I have a right to defend my opinion without being told I'm stupid or wrong.  I also have a right to defend myself when I am being attacked or harassed.  Lastly, while I feel that lying and withholding are often necessary social lubricants (heaven forbid we all told each other what we really thought...) I did not invite nor encourage you to read anything I write much less evoke some sort of random contact, and so perhaps now isn't the time to mince words.

While you are a clever, funny person who is passionate about all kinds of wonderful things in person, there is something that communicating via the internet brings out in you that exhausts me.  It's like you turn into the anti-super-hero, using your superior knowledge and razor-sharp sarcasm for the powers of evil instead of good.  I don't understand this alter ego, and I don't like it. 

I feel that debates with you deteriorate as you tend to not to grasp the entire picture but rather prefer picking up on whatever tiny bit of minutiae you are able to that demonstrates what you view as someone else's oversight or stupidity and throw it in their face, harping on this point and becoming increasingly ignorant even when attempts at clarifying are made.  In your opinion, your opinion is the only right opinion.  Perhaps, though, you should check to ensure before attacking someone that your point is a) complete, b) relevant, c) contextual and d) welcome.  Think, before you Snack.  Act.  Rock it. (Anybody who gets that reference wins a brownie point.)

Part of the reason your arguments are perceived as insulting and not persuasive is you demonstrate poor sportsmanship. In debate, there are rules of engagement.  It's about exploring the different sides of an issue and treating your opponents with respect.  In that token, there's a certain manner of conduct generally observed, even when you hold your opinion strongly. You unfortunately seem to lack the diplomacy and desire to share your opinion in a friendly, constructive way, and subsequently your approach and sarcasm invariably causes people to feel belittled and ridiculed instead of enlightened and challenged.  You attack people. I think some circles refer to this as internet bullying.

I was at one time willing and able to consciously and conscientiously desensitize myself to your rudeness and snobbery until such point in time as frankly, I got tired of all the drama you loved stirring up around yourself.  When I realized that I was not able much less willing to try and cope with a person who is incapable of being sensitive to the thoughts, opinions, and feelings of others and essentially uses the internet as a means to make people look and feel stupid, it was easy to cut you off and out.  I see by your actions today that my decision was correct.

In short, you have and continue to drag people down and hurt people's feelings, including mine. You are well within your rights to be unapologetic and to not assume any kind of accountability for my or anyone else's feelings, yet you expect people to respect and accept you the way you are or fuck them.  When others expect the same in return, you STILL say fuck them.  This is the kind of antisocial behaviour that gets schoolyard bullies and people with delusions of grandeur medicated, and is not compatible with developing or maintaining friendships with the vast majority of the adult population. Aside of an old X boyfriend, I can honestly say I have never met another grown up as arrogant, insensitive, and intolerant as you.

Since you seem to feel that so few people are smart enough to be your friend and I choose to consort with some persons of relatively average intelligence by your standards, I do not feel that it is beneficial to continue any kind of contact.  This is why I initially discontinued communicating and I can't imagine why you would think now, today, suddenly, that I would welcome participating in a discussion with you. 

You're as free to read as NOT read what I write.  I suggest you please fuck off.

